I am currently a research engineer in the Robotics Department at the Southwest Research Institute.

Previously, I completed my Ph.D. thesis, Supporting End-Users in Programming Robot Motions, in the Department of Computer Science at the Johns Hopkins University, where I was advised by Dr. Chien-Ming Huang.

My CV may be viewed here.

Selected Publications

G. Ajaykumar, G.D. Hager, and C.-M. Huang (2023). “Curricula for teaching end-users to kinesthetically program collaborative robots” in PLOS ONE.

G. Ajaykumar, K.T. Pineda, and C.-M. Huang (2023). “Older Adults’ Expectations, Experiences, and Preferences in Programming Physical Robot Assistance” in International Journal of Human-Computer Studies.

G. Ajaykumar, M. Stiber, and C.-M. Huang (2021). “Designing User-Centric Programming Aids for Kinesthetic Teaching of Collaborative Robots” in Robotics and Autonomous Systems.
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G. Ajaykumar, M. Steele, and C.-M. Huang (2021). “A Survey on End-User Robot Programming” in ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR).